A Crossed Path Too Crossed
I can’t explain it but that wasp venom felt like love
The wasp fighting for its safety
Unleashing hasty
My body gathering supplies
Pain signals, blood, inflammation, heat, heart rate increased
All of it reminding me of what a privilege it is to be
A crossed path too crossed
A sting
A message
One second
A price to pay for invading the space where you remain
Days of staying off my leg
With love in my veins
The venom
A serum
A sound
A note
Don’t come too close
Living means so much to me
I’ll fight for security
Lingering pain
I'll stay away
I’ll walk with caution
I understand that this isn’t just my world
I live among the myriad things
The venomous and the victims
The victorious and the unseen
It’s not just me
I’ll step with awareness
Of the love that the insects hold in their stingers
But I might miss the constant reminder
I might miss holding onto a wasps love in my leg
Missing sleep over the pain
Odd as it is
It’s nice to hold the love of living in my veins